
Mixed Pickled (torshi)


brand: 1&1
weight: 760g


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Ingredients: vinegar, cabbage, eggplant, carrot, pickles, refined salt (maximum 2.2%), garlic, garlic, green pepper, spices (black seed, turmeric, mint).

Pickling is one of the condiments, especially in Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisine. Pickling is a long-term preservation process in which the desired food is placed in a solution of saltwater or vinegar with low pH and acidic properties. By using this process, perishable food items can be preserved for several months. If the food item itself contains sufficient water, adding salt alone is enough to make pickles. In some countries like Korea, various vegetables are salted, which removes the excess water in the vegetables. Then, the vegetables are naturally fermented, and a vinegar-like solution is formed. Unlike the canning process, pickling does not require complete sterilization of the food item.


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